How to Best Prepare for Jiu-Jitsu Class

Congratulations on choosing to start or continue the journey of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! It is a rewarding sport with many great benefits. You may be nervous about your first class, but know that is completely normal. Put those jitter nerves into preparation and make them productive!

If you are still determining what to bring or how to prepare for your training, we have a few suggestions that can go a long way.

Warm Up

It's important to know you may be introduced to the mat during the first session. You will need to prepare for physical activity and strength exercises. If you are new to Jiu-Jitsu or have not exercised in a while, begin warming up days ahead. Jiu Jitsu is a very active sport that involves a lot of physical exertion. You will want to work up your cardio and stretch your muscles in preparation.

Your Appearance and Hygiene

Speaking of getting physically prepared, you need to consider your nail length and attire for this activity. Have your nails cut short, tie up long hair, and wear flexible clothing. Here are a few tips for attire:

  • Avoid belts, loops, or clothing that has strings or pockets. Fingers or toes may get trapped in them.

  • Consider bringing sandals or flip flops to wear while you are not on the mat. Many gyms require footwear when you are not walking or training on the mats, and sandals are an easy shoe choice to slip on and off.

  • A GI is optional for training but always great to have on hand to get comfortable in before matches that require them.

  • Wear tight and flexible shirts and shorts. Again, fingers and toes may get trapped in clothing and cause injury.

  • Wear something breathable. You will be working up a sweat during training, and you don't want to wear hot, heavy clothing.

  • Brush your teeth or use mouthwash. You will be working closely with other trainees, and it is respectful to them to be clean and fresh for any activities.

  • It is strongly recommended to shower before and after training sessions. Our gym provides showers for you to use.

Packing Your Gym Bag

You want to be prepared for whatever you may need while training. Having a bag of necessities that holds everyday use and emergency items is always good practice. First, always bring hydration when going to train. A water bottle is your best friend! Don't forget electrolytes, though. A good post-workout drink or electrolyte sports drink is good to keep on hand. Some other necessities to pack are a towel, rash guards, mouthguards, and tape. Mat burn can happen, so you want to have all the items on hand to protect yourself.

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you will learn many techniques, and your instructors will constantly have good tips for you to remember. It may be hard to remember each tip or every technical detail, so a great habit to start is writing down notes after each class. We recommend you bring a notepad as well.

Your Mindset

Going into this first class with a positive, motivating mindset is essential. It is normal to be nervous but try to put your excitement for this new journey above that nervousness. Mindset has a lot to do with these kinds of sports. Know that you will be physically exerted and mentally pressed after training, but it all equals growth and strength in the long run.

We are excited for your first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class! If you have any questions about training or if you want tips and information about training, always feel free to contact us! We at Ground Control are committed to our team.


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