5 Boxing Tips to Remember During Training

Boxing is an incredible sport that uses whole-body training to master. At Ground Control, we have champion trainers who are dedicated to your training. They teach everyone, from beginners to pro, boxers learn how to push their bodies and reach new levels. Boxing is an intricate art requiring commitment, strength, cardio, and discipline. Below are a few tips to help you on your journey.

1. Master the Basics

Boxing is a sport that requires you to master the basics to become a good boxer. The first thing you should do when starting is learn to hold your stance properly, move around the ring, and use your hands effectively. These skills are crucial for any boxer because they allow you to throw punches more effectively while simultaneously avoiding being hit by your opponent's punches.

We give you many vital tips on grasping the basics of boxing in our training sessions and provide experts in these arts to ensure you master these before moving to the next thing. So, with that said - trust your trainer. It's okay if you need to spend more time than you anticipated on one stage. This is a sport that takes years to master. Be consistent and motivated, but don't try to push too fast. Take your time to learn the basics so you can work your way up safely.

2. Focus on Combinations

Practicing different combinations of punches is important to improve your accuracy and power. For example, if you're hitting the heavy bag and want to work on a two-punch combination, start with a right cross followed by an overhand left hook or vice versa. Then add another punch, such as an uppercut or jab, after either of those two punches while keeping the same rhythm going throughout the entire combination. This will help keep your movements fluid while improving muscle memory so that all three moves become second nature when needed during a fight!

Our trainers are great at helping students perfect their moves with ease. Again, take your time to confidently master a combination before trying to add too many to your training. There are steps to remember, and you will set yourself back if you try to learn too many at once quickly. 

Another tip is to bring a notebook with you to class. You can write down important notes and tips to help you later with the many combinations you will learn. Your instructor may give some great advice during training, and you will want to write it down to have on hand later.

3. Improve Your Footwork

Footwork is an essential part of boxing. It can be done in many different ways depending on your style. All boxers should learn some basic footwork techniques before stepping into the ring for their first sparring session. These include:

The Shuffle Step - when one foot moves forward while keeping the other stationery, followed by a quick hop back on both feet at once (shuffle). This technique helps increase speed and agility while allowing for quick changes in direction if necessary.

The Pivot - turning around on one foot while keeping both knees bent low; this allows for quicker turns without losing balance or momentum.

The Lunge - stepping forward with one leg while bending both knees slightly so that only one toe touches down during each step (not both).

4. Use Protective Gear

This sounds easy enough, but it never hurts to hear it again! Wear protective gear whether you are doing an impromptu practice session, training, or sparring. Gloves, headgear, and a mouthguard are all essential boxing equipment that can help protect you from injury. There are other protective items that we go over at the beginning of training in our gym that we require along with these. This is for your safety and the safety of the people you are training with. 

5. Keep Up Your Overall Fitness

Stamina and endurance are vital parts of boxing. You can hit harder than anyone else, but if you don't have the other components to back you up. Your overall health is pushed in this sport, so optimizing every part of your fitness and perfecting your style can make you one of the best. 

To become a better boxer, having a coach is essential. A coach can help you improve your technique and become a more effective fighter. Many people think they can learn boxing independently, but this is untrue. Many things cannot be learned without the help of an experienced trainer or coach. If you want to get into the sport of boxing and stay safe while doing so, hiring a professional is essential!

If you're not already a part of GCOM's family, contact us to join today! We provide highly trained, award-winning trainers who are ready to push you to your best.


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