Martial Arts For Homeschoolers

Martial arts activities are incredibly beneficial for students of all ages, whether they have their learning in a classroom or in their living room. Homeschooled kiddos can absolutely participate in extracurricular activities of any kind, which is highly encouraged for many reasons. At Ground Control, we offer a martial arts program specifically for children in and around our area who are homeschooled. There are many reasons we pride ourselves in this program and its success!

Here are just a few of those reasons:

The benefits of our martial arts program for homeschoolers:

  • Extracurricular activities for homeschoolers allow a much-needed change of scenery from the everyday home schedule. Children get the chance to socialize and build a community with children their age outside of the family or homeschool groups. Having a program like this provides a space to practice social skills as well as the added benefits received from practicing martial arts.

  • This class can help solidify a good daily schedule for the schoolwork day, but also the perfect exercise routine. Martial arts is a great way to be active! This program is a great creative and physical outlet for children.

  • Martial arts builds self-esteem, confidence, and identity development. This is great for students of all backgrounds but is especially good for homeschooled students who do not have sports or other extracurricular activities to compensate for these types of lessons.

  • Another great benefit of a homeschool martial arts program is you can add this experience to resumes for schools and colleges as an extracurricular activity. This is an added benefit for homeschooled students who most likely do not have sports or art pathways to display.

  • One of the biggest reasons we do what we do is for safety and self-defense. Learning these skills at a young age can increase confidence and decrease bullying. Self-defense practices can become incredibly beneficial in many situations, and having a strong background in these techniques is important, even for young children.

How our homeschool martial arts program works:

Class structure includes (but not limited to) warm-ups, fitness training, fundamental technique breakdowns, and cooperative training activities. The exercises and routine are constantly refreshed, but the fundamental techniques are always consistent so that students can repeat and improve their fundamental skills without boredom. At Ground Control Owings Mills Academy, we have put together a program for kids who spend their weeks home-schooling. Our program teaches invaluable life skills, such as respect, self-discipline, socialization, and confidence. We will work with individual families or multiple families to set class times to accommodate your routines or schedules.

We provide educational care from experienced and qualified personnel. They can help with any homework or projects the children may need help with. We train and care for the children until their parents pick them up. We give the introductory, basic skills and lead up to the level perfect for their age group.

Our program is designed to not only be a resource for kids but also help parents who are working and need a safe, respected place for their students to stay. We ensure we are able to keep them active, learning, and safe. Many of our employees have children and understand the importance of a program such as this. We strive to teach the amazing benefits of martial arts to children in a controlled environment, as well as provide the educational resources they need as well. This helps parents to feel confident in their child's care and well-being.

If you would like to enroll your child in one of our homeschool martial art programs, please reach out to us today!


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