3 Things You Will Learn in Your Muay Thai Kickboxing Class

Considered one of the most effective and popular striking styles in the world, Muay Thai Kickboxing is an incredible art. It blends striking with stand-up grappling and clinch work. When you join this kind of class, you are expected to be prepared for intense training and fine mental focus. The Thai Boxing art requires you to learn many consecutive combo moves and strikes. Your overall mental and physical health will be positively affected as well.

In our program, you will be able to train with experienced coaches with years of experience under their belt to progress smoothly in your lessons. Whether you are a beginner or have previous experience, you will be able to train within your abilities and be pushed to your best. 

So, other than some extremely awesome moves and strikes, what will you learn? Below are three core things you will learn in your classes.

How to Increase Your Mental Toughness

You will practice mind over matter. Through rigorous training, you will learn your mental toughness will become stronger and clearer. In each class, you will be able to actively practice strengthening your focus to be prepared for any situation. Muay Thai helps to develop a high level of mental clarity.

With each session, your overall confidence and strategic thinking are being tested. You will learn how to stay calm in stressful situations, trust your reflexes, and think quickly. Working with coaches or partners allows you to test your moves and strategies, which also helps you to be humble when learning new strikes and moves - learning to push through each hard part until it is easier.

This is why Muay Thai helps to improve your mental toughness. It is as physical as it is mental.

How to Achieve the Peak of Your Cardiovascular Health

Continuing consistency in your Muay Thai Kickboxing classes means dedicating your time to your health. Due to the very physical aspect of kickboxing, you automatically exercise your cardiovascular system with every session. Vigorous cardio is a key benefit that will enhance your movements and abilities.

Classes encourage you to warm up with exercises that consist of more than just stretching. Getting your blood pumping and your muscles warmed up helps you to learn each move better. It also ensures you can achieve the attacks and pull off each consecutive move with more ease and safety without harming yourself. You have the best chance of progressing safely with consistent cardio exercises.

Better cardio also means reduced risk for certain diseases and health risks. Your cardiovascular system is the ‘heart’ of your health for great blood flow, oxygen throughout your system, and bodily function. The exercises you learn for cardio in your class can be a great help to you in and out of the gym.

How To Improve Your Overall Mobility

Muay Thai focuses strongly on increasing your reflexes, self-awareness, and muscular health. There is a wide range of mobility benefits with Muay Thai boxing, and you will quickly see the improvements during training!

Muay Thai focuses on many knee and elbow movements that ensure you are well-versed in all three planes of motion. Because of this, your hip mobility can improve significantly. In fact, all your joints and flexures will slowly begin to gain more mobility and strength. Through training, you will learn an array of moves, strikes, and attacks that require multiple forms of control and movement. The flexibility and strength used to complete these actions as needed give you better overall mobility.

Muay Thai Kickboxing has many lessons and benefits, from physical to mental, but overall, you are learning a skill that will serve you in many forms throughout life.

For our classes, no experience is necessary, and all fitness levels are welcome! We provide world-class instructors and professional systems that are equipped for any level - beginner to expert. Sparring is also not required but available for those who wish to take their training to the next level. If you are interested in learning more about our Muay Thai Kickboxing classes, contact us at Ground Control.


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