Why Jiu-Jitsu is Vital for Women’s Health and Self-Defense Skills

Are you looking for a fun way to increase your physical health and overall strength WHILE learning women’s self-defense? The answer isn’t to simultaneously go to the gym, lift weights, attend a self-defense class, and juggle all of life’s demands. The answer is simply, Jiu-Jitsu.

Hear me out; this unique activity is a ground-based martial art that strays away from typical martial art styles, like violent strikes or kicks. It’s widely used today as a form of protection, exercise, and hobby. Jiu-Jitsu is fantastic for women’s health, overall wellness, and safety. You’ll be able to improve your health and learn vital skills for safety. It’s the perfect life skill!

Ground Control Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts is happy to present some more info on how Jiu-Jitsu benefits women.

Jiu-Jitsu Improves Women’s Physical Health & Fitness

This activity is truly for all ages and can be extremely beneficial in many ways. It uses the whole body, and as a result, it offers cardio, strength building, and flexibility improvement. You’ll have the opportunity to work on every. 

The point of Jiu-Jitsu is to play off of skill, technique, and reaction rather than brute strength. It encompasses both aerobic and anaerobic endurance exercises, which are short-term workouts with long-term benefits. If you’re looking for the perfect mix of workouts, this is where you find that!

Aerobic and Anaerobic exercises are ideal for women due to the incredible effects they can have on your overall health! Here are a few of those benefits:


  • Activates your immune system and reduces fatigue

  • Boosts your overall mood

  • Strengthens your heart health


  • Strengthens your bones while building muscle

  • Burns fat and increases stamina

There are so many more benefits to each form of exercise, but both are very important for your health. You may be wondering if Jiu-Jitsu is for you, so if you look at the above benefits and see at least 1 of those you desperately need, then sign up ASAP, as this is meant for you!

The Proof is in the Numbers

This form of martial arts is even known to burn, on average, up to 700 calories per hour session! That’s impressive, considering the calorie count is comparable to participating in an entire wrestling tournament! All the burn, with less time. I call that a win!

(If you’d like to figure out how many calories your workout is burning, you can use one of the many calorie counter apps to make the most of your time and energy.)

Another number to consider is 100%. That’s the exact percent of how many “hands-on” attack tactics are addressed in Jiu-Jitsu training. It is the only martial arts to fully prepare you if you are thrown on the ground and grabbed or choked. But we will get to that more in a second. 

First, let’s discuss the rest of the health benefits related to this art. 

Benefits for the Body & Brain

For women, and people in general, Jiu-Jitsu benefits the body and brain in many ways. When your body is healthy and active, your mind tends to do the same. In general, Jiu-Jitsu enables you to use critical thinking, technique, and reaction as driving factors.

Some people even compare it to a chess game, for it takes a sharp mental focus to predict your opponent’s next move. Not to mention–well, I’m mentioning it anyway–the release of endorphins and happy chemicals that take stress away. 

Mental Health Benefits of Jiu-Jitsu

As I touched on a bit previously, Jiu-Jitsu is also beneficial for mental health. The discipline and focus required for training can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. It can also help other mental health conditions such as depression, PTSD, and eating disorders. Women have an increased risk of developing these disorders, so having a proactive outlet that improves the symptoms related to these diagnoses is an excellent start toward overcoming them!

The positive social environment of most Jiu-Jitsu academies can also be therapeutic, providing a supportive network of friends and training partners. These communities are a great way to meet new people and make friends. Just as in our facility, there are supportive and friendly conditions that can help boost your confidence levels!

Jiu-Jitsu: Safety, Security & Self-Defense for Women

As the world becomes more unpredictable every day, it is incredibly responsible to actively learn how to protect yourself. Safety concerns are growing for women worldwide, and the most crucial way to combat any danger is to be prepared. Jiu-Jitsu is one of the few defense systems that provides an advantage no matter the size. 

This doesn’t mean the size of your opponent doesn’t matter, but it does mean that you can be more equipped and skilled to defeat your component with the knowledge of this art. Jiu-Jitsu focuses on using leverage, positioning, and techniques that counter just about all the common ways an opponent can attack a woman, or any person for that matter.

It is unlike any other defense tactic or type of martial arts. It’s a sport that opposes focusing on attacking and harming the opponent, as other fighting styles do. Instead, restraint and control are the driving factors. That is what makes it such an effective way for women to protect themselves; no matter your age or physical size/strength.

Women: Empower Yourself Confidently with Jui-Jitsu

With Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, women are able to protect themselves with confidence and security. This is an excellent sport of empowerment!

At Ground Control Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts, we strive to empower you to become the best, healthiest, most secure person you can be.

Contact us to learn more about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, other mixed martial arts classes, and our FREE trial opportunities!


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