Benefits of Our After School Martial Arts Program for Kids

There are many pros to children learning in our martial arts program, but we offer a special program for after school that is extremely beneficial for parents and students. We have major success each year with this program from educational, physical, and developmental viewpoints.

As a brief overview, kids will be picked up from local schools in a small bus or large van. They will then be transported to Ground Control Owings Mills Martial Arts Academy, where we watch the children at the gym until their parents can pick them up. They will spend the afternoon participating in martial arts training in the form of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai, as well as spend a portion of the program in a classroom-style setting, allowing them to do homework and other after-school activities.

Here are just a few benefits of our after-school program at Ground Control.

Safety and Self-Defense Training for Kids

One of the biggest reasons we do what we do is for safety and self-defense. Learning these skills at a young age can increase confidence and decrease bullying. Self-defense practices can become incredibly beneficial in many situations and having a strong background in these techniques is important even for young children.

Martial arts encourage self-discipline and leadership skills that are useful throughout life. These exercises help to increase self-awareness and respect as well. Many important skills are taught in these classes rather than just physical lessons.

A passion of ours is to keep kids active in their daily routines. Starting an active lifestyle at a young age is incredibly beneficial and can be a wonderful outlet for kids.

We provide a safe environment with professionals who are highly trained to teach martial arts. Our Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Class is ideal for kids between 4-12 years old for a fun and ideal setting to exercise techniques. Our Kids Kickboxing Class is also great for ages 4-12 years to build teamwork skills. This class does not include sparring to keep things safe and fun for everyone.

Educational Features

We offer a portion of our program to be dedicated directly to after-school educational activities. Students can complete homework, get extra help, and learn with our experienced educators present. We have a classroom-style setting to help children be able to focus on their scholarly work as well.

Our instructors come highly experienced and educated to efficiently help students complete their school work. With 11 years in the school system and bachelor's and master's degrees to help, the kids are in great hands!

This is also a great place for kids to meet friends and build relationships with those in the program. There are several opportunities for growth in relationships, physical strength, scholarly work, and character.

Parental Schedules and Overall Benefits

Our program is designed to not only be a resource for kids but also help parents who are working and need a safe, respected place for their students to stay until they get off work. We ensure we are able to support our students in every area needed until you are able to pick them up. We have programs to keep them active, learning, and safe. We take care of transportation from the kid's school in our own van and work with the schools to ensure safe transport as well. 

Many of our employees have children ourselves and understand the importance of a program such as this. We strive to teach the amazing benefits of martial arts to children in a controlled environment, as well as provide the educational resources they need as well. This helps parents to feel confident in their child's care and well-being.

If you would like to enroll your child in our after-school martial arts program, feel free to connect with us here.


The Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Mental Health


Jiu-Jitsu Belt Levels